
Sound Corporate Governance has emerged as a crucial success factor in national and international markets.

FINVERXhas a dedicated team of experienced chartered accountants including company secretarial professionals who possess extensive experience in finance, corporate and regulatory compliance. Our team is highly business oriented in approach and has diversified experience to provide complete solutions for all corporate/company secretarial matters in a consistent and centrally coordinated manner that reduces the risks of non-compliance, increases the economy of scale and eradicates the burdens of performing your own secretarial duties.

Hiring FINVERX to perform company secretarial duties and compliance with Corporate Governance can offer considerable benefits to your business including:

  • Time management – Perform duties in a stated time with our time-saving techniques;
  • Professional management – Ensure preparation of all essential documentation, and maintaining record of stocks and transfers for compliance with all legal requirements, to avoid risks of any penalty / fines or legal proceedings
  • Reduce employment and training cost – Save on employment and training costs of secretarial staff, as well as other operational costs and overheads; such as office space, computers, printers, software, hardware and software maintenance, rent, electricity etc.;

Following are some examples of the Company Secretarial and Corporate Governance tasks that we perform for our clients:

  • Preparation of full set of documents for shareholders’ meetings (AGM / EGM) and filling annual return with the regulatory authorities
  • Preparation of notices and maintenance of minutes of the meeting of Directors and Shareholders including drafting  standard resolutions
  • Custody and maintenance of the company’s statutory registers, minutes book and other statutory records.
  • Assistance to the Auditors in their annual statutory review of the Company’s Secretarial records
  • Coordinating the publication and distribution of the company’s annual/interim reports, including finacial statements, as well as preparation of directors’ report.
  • Coordination with share registrar for maintaining the company’s register of members and other matters affecting shareholdings including dividend payments, registration with Central Depository Company as well as response to the queries and requests from Shareholders.


Sound Corporate Governance has emerged as a crucial success factor in national and international markets. Countries all over the world are keen to encourage good corporate governance practices to ensure fairness, transparency and accountability in the corporate sector and safeguard the interest of all stakeholders, especially the minority shareholders. FINVERX provides services in all aspects of Corporate Governance including:

  • Reviewing developments in Corporate Governance
  • Preparation of Corporate Governance Checklist
  • Boards’, Committees’ and Directors’ self-evaluation
  • Advising and assisting the directors with respect to their duties, responsibilities and compliance.
Head Office
3rd Floor, Ara Plaza, 43 Daisy Road, DHA II,
Islamabad, Pakistan
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